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Legacy Middle School’s Fabian Rodriguez Shares Inspiring Story

Legacy Middle School’s Fabian Rodriguez Shares Inspiring Story

The APH National Abacus Bee is an event designed to inspire a love for math in students who are blind or have low vision. Fabian’s incredible achievement makes us beam with pride—he’s the only student from Texas to receive this remarkable honor!

Fabian’s story caught the attention of KSAT 12, and they featured an interview with him that aired recently. Watch the full interview and view photos at the links below. 

A huge shoutout to Fabian, his amazing family, and his dedicated teacher, Vanessa Perkins, whose hard work and support helped make this dream a reality. We are so proud of Fabian and can’t wait to cheer him on at the national competition!

Thank you for showing us what determination and teamwork can accomplish!

Watch the Interview     View Photos