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Teacher Incentive Allotment - TIA

East Central ISD Teacher Incentive Allotment Plan

In the 86th Legislative Session, HB 3 provided an avenue for districts in Texas to apply for additional funding through The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). The allotment provides funding to pay additional salary amounts to highly effective teachers whose students show measurable improvement in academic growth. The increased compensation will help attract and retain highly effective teachers at traditionally hard-to-staff schools.

The Texas Education Agency has developed criteria for the components of the TIA. Creating a local designation plan is a rigorous process districts must undergo to gain approval for TIA funding. The plan must reflect an alignment between teacher performance and student outcomes.  Our desire is to provide a transparent and equitable opportunity for ALL teachers, support a culture of excellence, and improve student achievement. This process must be valid, reliable and applied consistently across all courses, levels and campuses. 

The exact amount of increased compensation available to each teacher is dependent on a formula determined at the state level. The formula takes into account the number of students who are economically disadvantaged at each campus and whether or not the campus is considered rural according to the state definition. You can learn more at



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