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Social Media Responsibility

Social Media Responsibility at ECISD

Phones are important for kids these days. But district kids as young as elementary school are on social media, such as Instagram and Tik Tok, posting inappropriate content and participating in direct messages with others.   Now more than ever, it is a shared responsibility of all of us in the community to work together to keep kids safe on social media and understand that a child's digital footprint has long-lasting effects.   Learn about the long-term ramifications of inappropriate social media use for both yourselves as well as your students. Consequences could be legal, affect job potential and status, post-graduate status (how colleges look at social media use) and psychological, mental and physical effects.   Some resources are below:

This Facebook Live includes experts from legal, medical, psychological, and education sectors.

The Director of Marketing & Communications at East Central ISD recently sat down with the Wilson County News to discuss Social Media Responsibility.