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How should our community respond in a crisis

How should our community respond in a crisis?

Safety is our paramount priority at East Central ISD. To complement our foundation of protocols and procedures, it is important that the community also understand these procedures so we all may react calmly and efficiently in times of crisis. Here are the best practices and expectations:

  1. Communication is critical. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date and current with your school's attendance office. We will be using ParentLink (email, call out, push notifications, and/or text messages. We will also utilize social media and the website, but it is imperative to have the correct contact information on file.
  2. Keeping students and staff safe is a shared responsibility. We value the reports made by students, parents and community members on our hotline at (210) 709-8080 or at You can also use the Talk To Us feature on the website. All reports are taken seriously and can be made anonymously.
  3. Many times, information on non-official district social media or other platforms may not be credible. Hoax, or false, reports can cause significant disruption to a school environment, creating unnecessary panic. Please speak with your children about the harmful effects of social media and incorrect/misleading information. Students who engage in/share hoax reports will be subject to disciplinary and/or criminal action.
  4. During any potential threat or incident, our priority will be the students and staff on site. If you receive notice of any incident at your child's campus, we ask that you refrain from calling or going to school. In most cases, students will not be released until law enforcement has provided an all-clear. Your presence on campus could pull valuable staff resources away from addressing the safety of students and staff.

If your phone number or address has changed, please update your contact information with your school's attendance office.