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Safety and Security

Keeping Our Schools Safe

Keeping our schools safe requires continuous work and communication with our students, staff and families. East Central ISD strives to provide a safe environment for your children and our employees. The district continuously trains, monitors, evaluates and implements safety measures to protect our schools, students and staff. Our focus is to remain vigilant and visible.

ECISD takes matters of student safety seriously and will continue to respond with urgency and in accordance with the Texas Education Code with assistance from local law enforcement. 

Staff and students are empowered and expected to say something if they see something. We have anonymous tip lines and an emergency police department number (210) 709-8080 posted around campuses and on our websites. 

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Need to report an incident? 

Please report the incident on the Not in Our House page.

Not in Our House

Campus ECPD Officers

  • There is an ECPD  (East Central Police Department) officer on every campus and a guarantee of a 0-3 minute response time from ECPD. Response to an emergency situation is coordinated with Bexar County Sheriff's Office and San Antonio Police Department, as we have partnership agreements with each of these neighboring agencies.
  • ECPD uses the same dispatch system as SAPD, BCSO and the Department of Public Safety. This enhances real-time updates on any critical incident in our schools.
  • Among their daily duties, campus officers conduct safety inspections to ensure perimeter security, camera functionality and that single point-of-entry visitor management procedures are followed at all times.
  • ECPD active shooter response protocol clearly states that officers will engage the shooter upon arrival without hesitation—even if first on the scene. 


  • In the event of a lockdown, parents will be given real-time instructions via social media, ParentLink and the school website for the reunification of their students. East Central ISD has a threat assessment team that acts as a buffer against violence and provides support to district community members in a crisis before people pose a threat to themselves or others. The threat assessment team reviews observed and reported concerning and prohibited behaviors objectively to assess the risk to the school community.

Facilities & Technology

  • There are monitored perimeter cameras for early detection of any suspicious activity.
  • We have the multipurpose Raptor Technologies App for staff to train, drill, alert, and reunify during an emergency. Any emergency can be initiated by any employee using a cell phone application (Raptor EM Alert) which alerts the entire campus and ECPD and addresses the PA system with standard messaging options that correlate to the situation. All students and staff are trained in the Standard Response Protocol for an emergency response to any given situation.
  • The district has conducted a thorough campus exterior door safety audit and will continue conducting weekly campus exterior door safety sweeps throughout the year.
  • Each campus has conducted a Summer Targeted Campus Safety Audit and is developing plans around strengthening safety and security protocols.
  • Some campuses control and protect entry vestibules with bullet-resistant glass and doors.
  • We provide constant reminders not to circumvent security measures.
  • Daily safety inspections are conducted by campuses, and random intrusion audits are at every school.

Behavioral Health

  • Mental health measures are being implemented, teaching social-emotional standards throughout our curriculum to help students navigate interpersonal relations and manage their emotions.
  • We have a Communities In Schools case worker at every campus, along with dedicated counselors.
  • Every campus has a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology assigned as well as a Comprehensive Case Management Team that facilitates EC Cares wrap-around support services for students, families and staff. 


  • All students and staff are trained in the Standard Response Protocol for an emergency response to any given situation. ECISD complies with the state mandatory school drills. However, ECISD conducts additional necessary and appropriate drills for your student's safety. These drills are conducted monthly. Emergency response drills are run on each campus to ensure, in the event of an actual emergency, our students, staff and district are prepared to respond immediately.  
  • Staff is trained annually on Stop The Bleed to help save lives.