Monthly Leadership Definition Recognition
As we embrace Leading the EC Way across our district campuses and offices, it is imperative to recognize our emerging leaders (OUR STAFF) for embodying the categories and competencies within our clearly defined leadership definition. Please read below for details.
At the end of each month (the deadline is the 30th of each month), each ECISD campus will nominate one individual who displayed the competencies indicated in the Leadership definition. Campuses are free to choose the method by which an employee is nominated for District recognition.
Nominees will be presented to the Admin Council for review, and one “champion” will be named for the selected competency and to be recognized at the following Board meeting.
- Sept. - Actualizes Compelling Vision
- Oct. - Actualizes Compelling Vision
- Nov. - Cultivates Culture
- Dec. - Effective Communicator
- January - Continuous Growth
- February - Impact Focus
- March - Effective Communicator
- April - Builds Relationships
- May - All competencies