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Cell Phone Use

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Grades PK-5: Students are required to keep their devices turned off and stored away upon arrival to campus through departure.

Area of Directed Use Appropriate Use
Before School NO
During school NO
After last bell rings (dismissal) YES
Anytime in the restrooms NO
Lunch NO
Medical or emergency reasons YES (with principal permission and in dedicated locations).
Use of headphones, earbuds, or other advices for audio enhancement NO (unless used instructionally with a campus-provided device).


Grades 6-12 Students may use their telecommunication devices before and after school. At the start of the instructional day (first bell) students are to be turned off, placed on “do not disturb,” or silence their cell phones. Cell phones shall not be visible during the instructional day. For safety reasons, headphones/earbuds/etc or other devices for audio enhancements (speakers, etc) are also to be removed and stored away at the start of the instructional day. Students who violate this rule will be subject to disciplinary action, including confiscation of the device, a $15 fine, and further disciplinary actions in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. See the table below for more specific information:

Area of Directed Use Appropriate Use
Before School YES
After first bell rings NO
During class time NO
In the Cafeteria, Library, Gyms, Auditoriums, Outside, etc NO
During passing period NO
Lunch NO
After last bell rings (dismissal) YES
Anytime in the restrooms, locker rooms, dressing, or changing rooms NO
Emergency or medical reasons YES (with Principal permission and in dedicated locations).
Use of headphones, earbuds, or other advices for audio enhancement NO (unless used instructionally with a campus-provided device).

In late spring, a committee of parents, community members, teachers, and administrators began researching ways to reduce smartphones' negative impacts on adolescent health and well-being. They found that continuous smartphone use, including gaming, social media, videos, messaging, and access to adult content, adversely affects physical and mental health, attention, and learning. The committee developed guidelines for cell phones and other devices, which they presented to the School Board on July 18, 2024.

The committee's recommendations to the School Board support Board Policy FNCE (LOCAL). This policy, which has been in place since 2011, limits the use of telecommunication devices during the instructional day. “Guidelines regarding electronic devices shall be addressed in the Parent/Student Handbook.” This policy, now 13 years old, will continue to be enforced throughout the 2024-2025 school year.

The Parent/Student Handbook states that students may possess mobile phones, but they must be turned off, placed on ‘do not disturb,’ or on silent during instructional time, which includes passing periods and lunch. Unauthorized use will result in confiscation, with a $15 retrieval fee. Only parents or guardians are permitted to retrieve the device. The guidelines that will be outlined in the 2024-2025 Parent/Student Handbook will also mandate that phones be stored away, following the "out of sight, out of mind" requirement upon the start of the instructional day. For safety reasons, students should not use headphones, earbuds, or speakers during the instructional day, except when using school-issued devices for learning.

Please refer to the chart for when students can use phones. Parents can contact the school in emergencies, and the administration will bring the student to the office to call home. Students needing to make emergency calls must seek permission from campus administration and do so in the office. Phones are not allowed during instructional time otherwise.