Proposition B
Proposition B plans for a new high school, a new gymnasium at East Central High School, and two new elementary schools. Additionally, it includes renovations and expansions to agriculture facilities to support growing educational programs.
- East Central High School has grown by 300 and 355 students in the last two years and is near capacity. It will add another 420 students over the next two years and will be at 120% capacity in three years. This bond will allow for the construction of a second four-year comprehensive high school to address growth.
- East Central High School is projected to have over 4,200 students within the next two years and will be at 120% capacity in three years. This bond will allow for the construction of a second comprehensive high school for growth.
- Because there’s a limited number of spots in athletics, fine arts, and academic programs, a second four-year high school will give students more opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities and career and technology education programs.
- The new high school will be built all at once because construction costs increase over time, and it would be cheaper for the taxpayers if it were done at one time.
- The second high school will be the same size as ECHS to delay the need for a third high school in the distant future.
- The new 396,000 sq foot facility will have a total student capacity of 2,200 students with a 3,200 student core for future instructional spaces. The construction includes classrooms, life skills classrooms, state-of-the-art science labs, Computer Labs and Fine Arts Classrooms.
- The building will have a 50 year usable lifespan.
Many of the district’s elementary schools are nearing, at, or already overcapacity. Proposition B would allow for the construction of two new elementary schools to expand and relieve enrollment pressure in the northern and southern portions of the district.
Three elementary schools are over capacity and two additional schools are expected to reach capacity in the next two years.
Elementary school average capacity is 84%.
Each elementary school will be a 98,000-sq foot facility that can house up to 900 students.
There will be 43 Classrooms per school, 2 Life Skills Classrooms, 1 Science lab, 1 Computer Lab, 1 Fine Arts Classroom.
Each school will have a 50 year usable lifespan.
Prop B includes renovations and additions to the agriculture facility.
Update animal pens for safety and accessibility.
Additional animal pens will be installed to allow more students to show animal projects as part of their required curriculum.
As the district grows, ECHS will have more students interested in agriscience. With growth, the district won't be able to support all the animal projects for future students.
Growth in the district and the agriscience program could force students to be turned away from participating if the facility is not expanded.
The barn space required for the curriculum will be renovated to improve accessibility, technology infrastructure, amenities, animal staging/preparation areas, restrooms for shows and competitions, and every day educational programs.
Upgrades to the facilities will help accommodate two high schools and the student growth.
Prop B includes a new PE gym at East Central High School. The new facility will include three practice courts, multisport locker rooms, training facilities and a weight room. The gym which will also serve as a competition gym after school
ECHS has one competition gym, which prevents multiple activities to occur at the same time, and the practice gyms at the high school require significant repair. The bond could allow for converting an old practice gym into a new PE/competition gym and updating spaces for training rooms, locker rooms and weight rooms.
Increasing seating capacity
Seats about 70 people currently.
Spectators are next to the court, which creates many incidents between players, officials and fans.
Currently, indoor sport athletes are in multiple locker rooms spread throughout the campus.
New gym would create significant space for fans to sit safely.
New gym will provide multiple practice courts.
New gym will provide a centralized location for all indoor sports and locker rooms.
Indoor sport locker rooms
The current locker rooms are small and cannot hold the current number of athletes.
Several of the locker rooms are converted instructional spaces and do not have the ventilation and draining needed for wet areas like showers.
Many of the sports are separated at a great distance from their practice/playing areas, which makes it unsafe for students to travel back and forth early in the morning and late in the evening when it is dark. Travel time also cuts into practice time. Approximately 10-15 minutes per day is lost due to transitioning back and forth.
Training Facilities
New athletic training facility
Current layout is not optimal for current daily use.
Rehabilitation and training areas for recovery.
Weight room
The current weight room has a capacity of 60. Our football team must split into 3-4 groups to workout without accidents. Teams must break up into smaller groups that creates inefficiencies in schedules and appropriate supervision.
The space for a 6A athletic program cannot accommodate safely.
Four Practice courts
When we can't accommodate, teams must come in early at 6am or come back to school late in the evening (after 6pm) to have access to the courts.
The district also buses students to the middle schools for gym use, cutting into practice times.
The district also rents out gyms to local groups, so with limited space there isn't much opportunity for all groups to have access.
This would increase the amount of courts to four with a new PE gym.