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Stop the Bleed Training

The South Texas Regional Advisory Council (STRAC) developed a video for the stop-the-bleed training that can be used with our students in grades 7-12. Please review the video and feel free to use it with your students.

If you do use the video, in addition to your feedback, please maintain and share the sign-in sheets with that include the date and names of those who participated. I will then forward the sign-in sheets to my colleague at STRAC as they need to maintain a log of everyone in the region who is trained.

Just to clarify – all students in grades 7-12 must be offered the opportunity to receive STB instruction annually. Skills stations are not required to be included with students. Therefore, the use of an instructional video is acceptable for students.

 Training for staff is also required to be done annually (includes all district law enforcement, district security, and all other district or school personnel who may be reasonably expected to use a bleeding control station); and must include skills stations following COVID-19 best practices.

Stop the Bleed Training Video


Please make a copy, or download and print.