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Recuro Telemedicine (Formerly Well Via)

Welcome to the East Central ISD Benefits page for THE FREE telemedicine benefit provided to eligible employees, spouses and qualifying dependents.  Effective 11/1/2022, Well Via Telemedicine rebranded to "RECURO HEALTH."  If you previously downloaded the Well Via App, you will be prompted to download the new Recuro App. 

Recuro (formerly Well Via):

  • Is available to eligible employees and their dependents 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.
  • Provides access to physicians to diagnose, treat, and prescribe for acute illnesses such as the common cold, flu, allergies, upper respiratory infections, earache, and many more.
  • Is easy to use! Download the app today to connect with a doctor - available on both Apple and Android devices via Apple App Store and Google play. or register your account at the Recuro Health Website.
  • Don't have a smart phone? Don't worry, you can access services by calling 1-855-WELLVIA or 1-855-6RECURO (1-855-673-2876)
  • The Recuro app has other tools to help manage your healthcare, such as locating providers or discount prescription locations.
  • Is free and unlimited to eligible employees and their dependents.  

Employees are eligible for this benefit starting the first day of the month following the date of hire but must complete their online insurance enrollment in order to be active in the system. 

Once you have enrolled, you should receive a welcome email from Recuro Health with a link to register an account. If you did not receive your email, please check your spam folder.  If you cannot locate your email, you will need to contact Recuro Health at 1-855-935-5842.

NEW FOR 2023-2024: Beginning September 01, 2023, ECISD employees and their eligible dependents will have access to free behavioral health visits.  Participants can receive comprehensive therapy and counseling from Recuro's Clinical Social Workers and Marriage & Family Therapists.  Your therapist will work with you to achieve your emotional wellness goals, developing a personalized plan and tracking progress over time.  Download the Recuro Behavioral Health Flyer below for more information.